The etymology of the word pornography is rather curious. It’s a word that was coined by French authors only in the 19th century: pornè means prostitute, and graphéin, to write. Pornography is the representation of sexual acts in a book, drawing, video, etc., with the aim of arousing sexual (…)
Landry Gbaka-Brédé, Tout ce que la pornographie peut t’apporter, 2023, Paulines
In 2018, the French Ministry of Health reported that by age 12, nearly 1 in 3 children have already been exposed to pornographic content. More recently (2023), a study commissioned by ARCOM (Autorité de Régulation de la Communication Audiovisuelle et Numérique) indicated that 51% of boys aged 12-13 look at pornographic sites every month, and 21% of boys aged 10-11. These are serious, sobering figures! Especially when we know that exposure to pornography at too early an age can damage young people’s psychological development and have harmful consequences for their future sexuality…
(1) How can we explain the wave of pornography that is sweeping through our daily lives?
(2) What are the consequences of consuming pornographic content?
(3) How can we get out of pornography, or help others to get out?
The book I invite you to read – Tout ce que la pornographie peut t’apporter – provides concrete answers to these 3 questions, and not without a sense of humor. Its author, Father Landry Gbaka-Brédé, is a priest of the Opus Dei prelature. He currently ministers to young people in Abidjan, including as chaplain to the Comoé cultural center (Cocody) and the Université des Lagunes (Bonoumin). He also teaches canon law at the Higher Institute of Canon Law at the Catholic University of West Africa.
Parents, educators, young people… Happy reading!
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